a(n) = A003680(n)/A005179(n), or 0 if quotient is not an integer.

%I #19 Oct 06 2022 11:18:59

%S 2,3,3,4,3,5,3,5,5,5,3,6,3,5,5,7,3,7,3,7,5,5,3,7,5,5,7,7,3,7,3,9,5,5,

%T 5,8,3,5,5,9,3,7,3,7,7,5,3,11,5,7,5,7,3,8,5,9,5,5,3,11,3,5,7,11,5,7,3,

%U 7,5,7,3,11,3,5,7,7,5,7,3,11,8,5,3,11,5,5,5,9,3,11,5,7,5,5,5,12,3,7,7,11,3

%N a(n) = A003680(n)/A005179(n), or 0 if quotient is not an integer.

%C a(810) = 0; the quotient is the non-integer 144/11.

%C n=810 is the only such case among the first 1000 terms. - _Antti Karttunen_, Oct 21 2017

%C a(n) = 0 for n in {810, 10206, 13608, 18225, 24300, 32400, ...}. - _David A. Corneth_, Oct 05 2022

%H David A. Corneth, <a href="/A140605/b140605.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a> (first 1000 terms from Antti Karttunen)

%e a(10) = 5 because A003680(10) = 240 and A005179(10) = 48 and 240/48=5.

%Y Cf. A003680, A005179.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _J. Lowell_, Jul 07 2008

%E More terms from _R. J. Mathar_, Feb 19 2009