Frequency of occurrence for each possible "probability of derangement" for a Secret Santa drawing in which each person draws a name in sequence and the only person who does not draw someone else's name is the one who draws the final name.
1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 13, 6, 13, 2, 6, 2, 1, 1, 29, 14, 73, 6, 42, 18, 29, 2, 18, 8, 14, 2, 6, 2, 1, 1, 61, 30, 301, 14, 186, 86, 301, 6, 102, 48, 186, 18, 102, 42, 61, 2, 42, 20, 86, 8, 48, 20, 30, 2, 18, 8, 14, 2, 6, 2, 1, 1, 125, 62, 1081, 30, 690, 330, 2069, 14, 414, 200, 1394
The sequence is best represented as a series of columns 1..n, where each column j has 2^(j-1) rows (see Example). For more details, see A136300.
The first column represents the case for 3 people (offset 3).
H(r,c) = Sum_{j=0..c-L(r)-1} H(T(r), L(r)+j) * M(c-T(r)-1, j) where M(y,z) = binomial distribution (y,z) when y - 1 > z and (y,z)-1 when y-1 <= z and T(r) = A053645 and L(r) = A000523.
Conjecture: Assume the table represented as in the Example section. Then row 2^n is row n + 1 of A371761. - Peter Luschny, Apr 10 2024
Represented as a series of columns, where column j has 2^(j-1) rows, the sequence begins:
row |j = 1 2 3 4 5 ...
1 | 1 1 1 1 1 ...
2 | 1 5 13 29 ...
3 | 2 6 14 30 ...
4 | 1 13 73 301 ...
5 | 2 6 14 ...
6 | 6 42 186 ...
7 | 2 18 86 ...
8 | 1 29 301 ...
9 | 2 6 ...
10 | 18 102 ...
11 | 8 48 ...
12 | 14 186 ...
13 | 2 18 ...
14 | 6 102 ...
15 | 2 42 ...
16 | 1 61 ...
17 | 2 ...
... | ... ...
If there are 5 people, numbered 1-5 according to the order in which they draw a name, and person #5 draws name #5, the first four people must draw 1-4 as a proper derangement, and there are 9 ways of doing so: 21435 / 23415 / 24135 / 31425 / 34125 / 34215 / 41235 / 43125 / 43215.
But the probability of each derangement depends on how many choices exist at each successive draw. The first person can draw from 4 possibilities (2,3,4,5). The second person nominally has 3 to choose from, unless the first person drew number 2, in which case person 2 may draw 4 possibilities (1,3,4,5), and so on. The probabilities of 21435 and 24135 are both then
1/4 * 1/4 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/64.
More generally, if there are n people, at the i-th turn (i = 1..n), person i has either (n-i) or (n-i+1) choices, depending on whether the name of the person who is drawing has been chosen yet. A way to represent the two cases above is 01010, where a 0 indicates that the person's number is not yet drawn, and a 1 indicates it is.
For the n-th person to be forced to choose his or her own name, the last digit of this pattern must be 0, by definition. Similarly, the 1st digit must be a 0, and the second to last digit must be a 1. So all the problem patterns start with 0 and end with 10. For 5 people, that leaves 4 target patterns which cover all 9 derangements. By enumeration, that distribution can be shown to be (for the 3rd column = 5 person case):
0-00-10 1 occurrences
0-01-10 5 occurrences
0-10-10 2 occurrences
0-11-11 1 occurrences
1, 1;
1, 5, 2, 1;
1, 13, 6, 13, 2, 6, 2, 1;
1, 29, 14, 73, 6, 42, 18, 29, 2, 18, 8, 14, 2, 6, 2, 1;
maxP = 15;
rows = Range[1, 2^(nP = maxP - 3)];
pasc = Table[
Binomial[p + 1, i] - If[i >= p, 1, 0], {p, nP}, {i, 0, p}];
sFreq = Table[0, {maxP - 1}, {2^nP}]; sFreq[[2 ;; maxP - 1, 1]] = 1;
For[p = 1, p <= nP, p++,
For[s = 1, s <= p, s++, rS = Range[2^(s - 1) + 1, 2^s];
sFreq[[p + 2, rS]] = pasc[[p + 1 - s, 1 ;; p + 2 - s]] .
sFreq[[s ;; p + 1, 1 ;; 2^(s - 1)]]]];
TableForm[ Transpose[ sFreq ] ]
(* Code snippet to illustrate the conjectured connection with A371761: *)
R[n_] := Table[Transpose[sFreq][[2^n]][[r]], {r, n + 1, maxP - 1}]
For[n = 0, n <= 6, n++, Print[n + 1, ": ", R[n]]] (* Peter Luschny, Apr 10 2024 *)
The application of this table towards final determination of the probabilities of derangements leads to sequence A136300, which is the sequence of numerators. The denominators are in A001044.
A048144 represents the peak value of all odd-numbers columns.
A000255 equals the sum of the bottom half of each column.
A000166 equals the sum of each column.
A047920 represents the frequency of replacements by person drawing at position n.
A008277, Triangle of Stirling numbers of 2nd kind, can be derived from A136301 through a series of transformations (see "Probability of Derangements.pdf").
Cf. A371761.
Sequence in context: A180133 A197419 A029764 * A132690 A326922 A343678
Brian Parsonnet, Mar 22 2008
Edited by Brian Parsonnet, Mar 01 2011