%I #10 Apr 21 2013 09:15:06
%S 14157,141960,466560,1608575,3097055,5338710,6235076,16017300,
%T 22353408,24948000,25073792,25564544,27843750,29761408,30570408,
%U 31894350,40837825,44175248,46120064,49867818,55814400,56141963,71214803,77450890,92682405
%N Composite numbers such that the cube root of the sum of cubes of their prime factors is a prime.
%C Numbers included in A134608, but not in A134609. a(1)=14157 is the minimal number with this property.
%C The prime factors are taken by multiplicity.
%H Hieronymus Fischer, <a href="/A134610/b134610.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..50</a>
%e a(2)=141960 since 141960=2*2*2*3*5*7*13*13 and (3*2^3+3^3+5^3+7^3+2*13^3)^(1/3)=4913^(1/3)=17.
%Y Cf. A001597, A025475, A134333, A134344, A134376.
%Y Cf. A134600, A134602, A134605, A134613, A134616, A134618, A134620.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Hieronymus Fischer_, Nov 11 2007
%E Minor edits and additional terms by the author, Apr 15 2013