Primes such that the sum of any two terms, plus one, is a prime.

%I #6 Oct 19 2017 10:38:29

%S 5,7,11,101,1481,3911,67421,67751,7592471,1922120561,3015551711,

%T 19694875121,4397554721831,29626637107421,55746215858141,

%U 3544413963914171

%N Primes such that the sum of any two terms, plus one, is a prime.

%C Note sequence cannot start with 3.

%e 11 is a term in the sequence because 11+5+1 = 17 is a prime as is 11+7+1 = 19.

%Y Cf. A037100.

%K more,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Randy L. Ekl_, Jan 01 2008

%E 3 more terms from _Donovan Johnson_, Mar 06 2008

%E a(13)-a(16) from _Don Reble_, Feb 25 2015. - _N. J. A. Sloane_, Mar 01 2015