Xm/CV where Xm is a point of maximum error using an approximation method for x^(1/2) which I have found and CV is the population coefficient of variation from my list of error values.

%I #25 Nov 04 2018 13:36:38

%S 6,10,16,20,26,30,36,40,46,50

%N Xm/CV where Xm is a point of maximum error using an approximation method for x^(1/2) which I have found and CV is the population coefficient of variation from my list of error values.

%C I am no expert at sequences, but my work is forcing me to be. I need only an equation to represent this sequence and I believe I will have completed my goal, as well as found a new approximation technique for square roots. It views them in a whole new way and should prove interesting to more formal mathematicians. This work has taken me 2.5 years and I would appreciate any help in its finalization.

%C a(n) = A146951(n) for 1 <= n <= 10, but more terms would be needed to justify such a hypothesis. - _Georg Fischer_, Nov 03 2018

%F The terms shown satisfy a(n) = 10n-4 if n is odd, a(n) = 10n-10 if n is even. - _N. J. A. Sloane_, Aug 15 2007

%F a(n) = 10*n - a(n-1) - 4, a(1)=6. - _Vincenzo Librandi_, Nov 23 2010

%Y Cf. A146951.

%K nonn,uned,obsc,more

%O 1,1

%A Anthony J. Browne (tony2theipi(AT)yahoo.com), Aug 13 2007