Values of n such that Pi^n starts with the digits n.

%I #17 Mar 19 2015 09:38:16

%S 3,226,1837,2163,5358,44857,170788,482721,8918391,36589396,122394502,

%T 1107852077,10071260304,22991513047,81477190549,422242473309,

%U 4242315932866,153777057499935,282960008506695,1683262946768556,1099372130016731506,1117679864051418714

%N Values of n such that Pi^n starts with the digits n.

%e 226 is a term of this sequence because Pi^226 = 226.9191... * 10^110, which starts with 226.

%o (PARI) s=1;for(i=1,10000000,s=s*Pi; if(s-i>11,s=s/10,); if(floor(s)==i,printp1(i,", "),))

%Y Cf. A100129, A131494

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Randy L. Ekl_, Aug 12 2007

%E a(10)-a(12) from _Jon E. Schoenfield_, Jul 17 2010

%E a(13)-a(22) from _Max Alekseyev_, Sep 12 2013