Prime numbers n such that cos(2pi/n) is an algebraic number of an 11-smooth degree, but not 7-smooth.

%I #5 Oct 19 2017 03:15:05

%S 23,67,89,199,331,353,397,463,617,661,727,881,991,1321,1409,1453,1783,

%T 2113,2179,2311,2377,2663,2971,3169,3301,3389,3631,3697,3851,4159,

%U 4357,4621,4951,5281,5347,5501,6337,6469,7129,7393,7547,8317,8713

%N Prime numbers n such that cos(2pi/n) is an algebraic number of an 11-smooth degree, but not 7-smooth.

%t Do[If[Take[FactorInteger[EulerPhi[2n+1]][[ -1]],1]=={11} && PrimeQ[2n+1],Print[2n+1]],{n,1,10000}] (*Artur Jasinski*)

%Y Cf. A125866-A125878.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Artur Jasinski_, Dec 13 2006

%E Edited by _Don Reble_, Apr 24 2007