Based on an idea by Argentinian puzzle creator Jaime Poniachik, these numbers were introduced by Martin Gardner in 2005 in the magazine Math. Horizons, published by the MAA.
A048992 is a similar sequence, but is different because it does not contain 21, etc. - see comments in A048992.
A220376(n) = position of a(n) in 1234567891011121314151617181... . - Reinhard Zumkeller, Dec 13 2012
Martin Gardner, Transcendentals and early birds, Math. Horizons, XIII(2) (2005), pp. 5, 34 (published by Math. Assoc. America).
Joshua Zucker and R. Zumkeller, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 675 terms from Joshua Zucker)
S. W. Golomb, Early Bird Numbers, Puzzle Column in IEEE Inform. Soc. Newsletter, 52(4) (2002), p. 10.
S. W. Golomb, Early Bird Numbers: Solutions, IEEE Inform. Soc. Newsletter, 53(1) (2003), p. 30.
Asymptotically, the early bird numbers have density 1 [Golomb].
"12" appears at the start of the string, ahead of its position after "11", so is a member.
So are 123, 23, 1234, 234, 34, ... and sorting these into increasing order we get 12, 21, 23, 31, ... - N. J. A. Sloane, Aug 28 2019
s = ""; Reap[For[n=1, n <= 200, n++, sn = ToString[n]; If[StringPosition[s, sn, 1] =!= {}, Sow[n]]; s = s <> sn]][[2, 1]] (* Jean-François Alcover, Nov 04 2016, after Klaus Brockhaus *)
(ARIBAS) s:= ""; for n:=1 to 200 do sn:=itoa(n);
if substr_index(s, sn) >= 0 then write(n, ", "); end;
s:=concat(s, sn); end; (* Klaus Brockhaus, Jul 23 2007 *)
10 X=""
20 for N=1 to 396
30 A=cutspc(str(N))
40 if instr(X, A)>0 then print N;
50 X+=A
60 next N
70 'Warut Roonguthai, Jul 23 2007
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, find)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
a116700 n = a116700_list !! (n-1)
a116700_list = filter early [1 ..] where
early z = not (reverse (show (z - 1)) `isPrefixOf` fst bird) where
bird = fromJust $ find ((show z `isPrefixOf`) . snd) xys
xys = iterate (\(us, v : vs) -> (v : us, vs))
([], concatMap show [0 ..])
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Dec 13 2012
def aupto(limit):
s, alst = "", []
for k in range(1, limit+1):
sk = str(k)
if sk in s: alst.append(k)
s += sk
return alst
print(aupto(171)) # Michael S. Branicky, Dec 21 2021
Bernardo Recamán, Jul 22 2007
More terms from Warut Roonguthai and Klaus Brockhaus, Jul 23 2007
Golomb links from Jeremy Gardiner, Jul 23 2007