Triangle of the numbers of unique-valued sequences of all lengths (from 1 to 2n-1) consisting of unit matrices (="matrix units") of order n.

%I #9 Dec 19 2014 08:17:58

%S 1,4,6,4,9,24,48,60,30,16,60,192,480,840,840,336,25,120,520,1920,5700,

%T 12600,18480,15120,5040,36,210,1140,5520,22920,78120,206640,393120,

%U 483840,332640,95040

%N Triangle of the numbers of unique-valued sequences of all lengths (from 1 to 2n-1) consisting of unit matrices (="matrix units") of order n.

%C First entry of each row is obviously n^2 and the last entries of each row are the terms of A001761.

%H A. Blazhevski and P. Sokoloski, <a href="http://www.institutzamatematika.com/images/6/64/BB07.1.pdf">Conceptual Introduction to Unique-valued Sequences</a>, Proceedings of the III Congress of Mathematicians of Macedonia (2005), preprint.

%H Aleksandar Blazhevski - Cane, <a href="http://cane.roxr.com/Nauka/UVS/A114595.TXT">First 10 rows</a> [Broken link]

%e T(n,1) = a(n^2 - 2n) = n^2.

%Y Cf. A097635, A001761.

%K nonn,tabl

%O 1,2

%A Aleksandar Blazhevski - Cane (CaneB(AT)MT.Net.Mk), Dec 12 2005