Beginning with 5, primes of the form: least multiple of the previous term followed by a 9. Beginning with 5, a(n) is the least prime of the form k*a(n-1)*10 +9.

%I #8 Nov 15 2021 10:40:16

%S 5,59,599,29959,6890579,551246329,27562316459,551246329189,

%T 104736802545919,1047368025459199,73315761782143939,

%U 2932630471285757569,1114399579088587876229,22287991581771757524589

%N Beginning with 5, primes of the form: least multiple of the previous term followed by a 9. Beginning with 5, a(n) is the least prime of the form k*a(n-1)*10 +9.

%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A113055/b113055.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..313</a>

%t lp[n_]:=Module[{k=1},While[!PrimeQ[10*k*n+9],k++];10*k*n+9]; NestList[ lp,5,15] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Feb 01 2015 *)

%K base,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Jan 03 2006

%E More terms from _Joshua Zucker_, Jan 11 2006