E.g.f.: 2*x*(1-log(1+2*x))/(2-log(1+2*x)).

%I #12 Jul 05 2015 19:43:24

%S 0,1,-2,0,-8,40,-384,4144,-54144,815616,-13958400,267218688,

%T -5657444352,131222866944,-3308765300736,90105807790080,

%U -2635416865112064,82388152861360128,-2741414412289572864,96732603325960224768,-3607731031922910167040

%N E.g.f.: 2*x*(1-log(1+2*x))/(2-log(1+2*x)).

%D C. Q. He and M. L. Lapidus, Generalized Minkowski content, spectrum of fractal drums, fractal strings and the Riemann zeta-function, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1997), no. 608, x+97 pp.

%p G:=2*x*(1-ln(1+2*x))/(2-ln(1+2*x)): Gser:=series(G,x=0,23): 0,seq(n!*coeff(Gser,x^n),n=1..20); # yields the signed sequence

%t With[{nn=30},CoefficientList[Series[2x (1-Log[1+2x])/(2-Log[1+2x]),{x,0,nn}], x]Range[0,nn]!] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Dec 02 2011 *)

%K sign

%O 0,3

%A _Roger L. Bagula_, Jun 29 2005