Duplicate of A096218.

%I #20 Sep 19 2015 18:07:14

%S 19,29,43,59,73,89,103,127,149,167,193,223,277,317,359,461,509,523,

%T 593,643,797,823,877,1019,1123,1153,1297,1327,1367,1409,1493,1543,

%U 1559,1613,1667,1753,1777,1811,1847,1877,1993,2099,2203,2293,2309,2411,2503,2609

%N Duplicate of A096218.

%C Name was: Primes of the form 3p+2q, p and q consecutive primes, which are also the sum of three distinct primes.

%C Duplicate of A096218 (because it's identical to A096218 for terms < 18 and A124868 has no terms > 17). - _R. J. Mathar_, Jun 06 2014

%H Owen Whitby, <a href="/A100590/b100590.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..100</a>

%Y Subsequence of A096218.

%K dead

%O 1,1