Triangle read by rows: nonzero coefficients of polynomials 2^n*E(n,x), with E the Euler polynomials.

%I #2 Apr 30 2014 01:27:34

%S 1,2,-1,4,-4,8,-12,2,16,-32,16,32,-80,80,-16,64,-192,320,-192,128,

%T -448,1120,-1344,272,256,-1024,3584,-7168,4352,512,-2304,10752,-32256,

%U 39168,-7936,1024,-5120,30720,-129024,261120,-158720,2048,-11264

%N Triangle read by rows: nonzero coefficients of polynomials 2^n*E(n,x), with E the Euler polynomials.

%e 1,

%e 2*x - 1,

%e 4*x^2 - 4*x,

%e 8*x^3 - 12*x^2 + 2,

%e 16*x^4 - 32*x^3 + 16*x,

%e 32*x^5 - 80*x^4 + 80*x^2 - 16,

%e 64*x^6 - 192*x^5 + 320*x^3 - 192*x

%Y With zeros: A004174/A004175.

%Y Row sums and constant terms are (-1)^n*A009006.

%K sign,tabf

%O 0,2

%A _Ralf Stephan_, Nov 06 2004