Recurrence derived from the decimal places of sqrt(2). a(0)=0, a(i+1)=position of first occurrence of a(i) in decimal places of sqrt(2).

%I #18 Jul 12 2015 19:50:44

%S 0,13,5,7,11,186,239,336,1284,5889,11708,70286,19276,35435,22479,

%T 42202,28785,107081,973876,1187108

%N Recurrence derived from the decimal places of sqrt(2). a(0)=0, a(i+1)=position of first occurrence of a(i) in decimal places of sqrt(2).

%e sqrt(2)=1.4142135623730950488...

%e So for example a(2)=13 because 13th decimal place of sqrt(2) is 0; then a(3)=5 because 13 is found starting at the 5th decimal place; a(4)=7 because 5 is at the 7th decimal place and so on.

%p with(StringTools): Digits:=10000: G:=convert(evalf(sqrt(2)),string): a[0]:=0: for n from 1 to 10 do a[n]:=Search(convert(a[n-1],string), G)-2:printf("%d, ",a[n-1]):od: # _Nathaniel Johnston_, Apr 30 2011

%Y Other recurrence sequences: A097614 for Pi, A098266 for e, A098289 for log(2), A098290 for Zeta(3), A098319 for 1/Pi, A098320 for 1/e, A098321 for gamma, A098322 for G, A098323 for 1/G, A098324 for Golden Ratio (phi), A098325 for sqrt(Pi), A120482 for sqrt(3), A189893 for sqrt(5). A002193 for digits of sqrt(2).

%K more,nonn,base

%O 0,2

%A Mark Hudson (mrmarkhudson(AT)hotmail.com), Sep 13 2004

%E a(18)-a(19) from _Nathaniel Johnston_, Apr 30 2011