Denominators of rationals used in the Euler-Maclaurin type derivation of Stirling's formula for N!.

%I #4 Oct 12 2012 14:40:21

%S 12,60,21,1,11,13,1,17,19,1,23,1,1,29,31,1,1,37,1,41,43,1,47,1,1,53,1,

%T 1,59,61,1,1,67,1,71,73,1,1,79,1,83,1,1,89,1,1,1,97,1,101,103,1,107,

%U 109,1,113,1,1,1,1,1,1,127,1,131,1,1,137,139,1,1,1,1,149,151,1,1,157,1,1,163

%N Denominators of rationals used in the Euler-Maclaurin type derivation of Stirling's formula for N!.

%C Numerators are given in A097301 with comments and references.

%F a(n)=denominator(B(n)) with B(n):=Bernoulli(2*n+2)*(2*n)!/(2*n+2) and Bernoulli(n)= A027641(n)/A027642(n).

%K nonn,frac,easy

%O 0,1

%A _Wolfdieter Lang_, Aug 13 2004