%I #33 Mar 19 2019 00:13:24
%S 1,2,4,8,12,21,26,38,49,67,74,105,115,137,168,206,218,264,276,340,384,
%T 416,429,533,571,613,675,764,782,926,945,1066,1119,1166,1242,1464,
%U 1488,1537,1609,1856,1882,2102,2121,2244,2445,2505,2530
%N Number of (not necessarily connected) edge-transitive simple graphs on n vertices.
%C By convention, P_2 and the empty graphs are considered edge-transitive.
%H Lucas Mol, <a href="/A095352/a095352.txt">Sage code to generate graphs in graph6 format</a>
%H Lucas Mol, <a href="http://ion.uwinnipeg.ca/~lmol/GraphData.html">Lists of edge-transitive graphs in graph6 format</a>
%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Edge-TransitiveGraph.html">Edge-Transitive Graph</a>
%e For n = 1: K_1 (1 graph)
%e For n = 2: \bar K_2, K_2 (2 graphs)
%e For n = 3: \bar K_3, P_3, C_3, K_1+K_2 (4 graphs)
%e For n = 4: P_2+2K_1, P_3+K_1, C_3+K_1, K_{1,3}, \bar K_4, 2P_2, C+4, K_4 (8 graphs)
%e Here, the bar indicates the complement of a graph and + indicates a graph union (\cup).
%Y Cf. A095424 (number of connected simple edge-transitive graphs on n vertices).
%K nonn,more
%O 1,2
%A _Eric W. Weisstein_, Jun 03 2004, corrected Mar 05 2008
%E Corrected (by including empty graphs), a(9)-a(10) and comment added by _Eric W. Weisstein_, May 11-12 2017
%E a(7)-a(10) corrected and a(11)-a(47) added by _Lucas Mol_, Mar 18 2019