Number of primes with number of 0-bits equal to one plus number of 1-bits (A095072) in range ]2^2n,2^(2n+1)].

%I #10 Jun 13 2024 10:51:56

%S 0,1,3,10,25,78,283,906,3044,10920,37920,135182,487555,1764216,

%T 6415902,23585285,86789112,320972293,1192327462,4441973622

%N Number of primes with number of 0-bits equal to one plus number of 1-bits (A095072) in range ]2^2n,2^(2n+1)].

%H Antti Karttunen and John Moyer, <a href="/A095062/a095062.c.txt">C-program for computing the initial terms of this sequence</a>.

%H <a href="/index/Pri#primesubsetpop2">Index entries for sequences related to occurrences of various subsets of primes in range ]2^n,2^(n+1)]</a>.

%e In the range ]2^4,2^5] 17 (10001 in binary) is the only such prime thus a(2) = 1.

%Y Cf. A095018, A095072.

%K nonn,more

%O 1,3

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Jun 01 2004

%E a(17)-a(20) from _Amiram Eldar_, Jun 13 2024