a(n) is the smallest square such that n occurs in its decimal representation.

%I #8 Mar 30 2012 17:29:08

%S 0,1,25,36,4,25,16,576,81,9,100,1156,121,1369,144,1156,16,1764,1849,

%T 196,2025,121,225,2304,324,25,2601,2704,289,529,2304,3136,324,3364,

%U 3481,4356,36,3721,3844,3969,400,441,4225,4356,144,13456,4624,4761,484,49

%N a(n) is the smallest square such that n occurs in its decimal representation.

%C If only positive squares are considered then the first term is 100.

%e a(3) = 36 since 3 occurs in 36, but not in 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25.

%o (ARIBAS) var sn,sq:string; b:boolean; end; begin for n := 0 to 49 do sn := itoa(n); c := length(sn); b := true; p := 0; while b do q := p^2; sq := itoa(q); d := length(sq); j := 0; while b and j<=d-c do if sn=sq[j..j+c-1] then b := false; write(q,","); else inc(j); end; end; if b then inc(p); end; end; end; end;

%Y Cf. A062584.

%K easy,nonn,base

%O 0,3

%A _Zak Seidov_, Sep 22 2003

%E Edited, corrected and extended by _Klaus Brockhaus_ and _Ray Chandler_, Sep 22 2003