Complement of A081023: actual locations of "t" in this wholly inaccurate variation of the Aronson sentence: "T is the second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh . . . letter of this sentence, not counting commas or spaces".

%I #5 Mar 30 2012 17:27:18

%S 1,4,13,21,26,33,39,44,46,49,57,59,64,70,74,79,83,88,92,99,103,109,

%T 113,119,123,125,129,132,134,138,146,150,152,157,161,167,169,173,178,

%U 180,184,191,193,197,203,205,209,214,216,220,223,225,229,235,236,240,248

%N Complement of A081023: actual locations of "t" in this wholly inaccurate variation of the Aronson sentence: "T is the second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh . . . letter of this sentence, not counting commas or spaces".

%H B. Cloitre, N. J. A. Sloane and M. J. Vandermast, <a href="http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/journals/JIS/index.html">Numerical analogues of Aronson's sequence</a>, J. Integer Seqs., Vol. 6 (2003), #03.2.2.

%H B. Cloitre, N. J. A. Sloane and M. J. Vandermast, <a href="http://arXiv.org/abs/math.NT/0305308">Numerical analogues of Aronson's sequence</a> (math.NT/0305308)

%Y Cf. A005224 (Aronson sequence).

%K easy,nonn,word

%O 1,2

%A _Matthew Vandermast_, Mar 02 2003