Full Łukasiewicz word for each rooted plane tree (interpretation e in Stanley's exercise 19) encoded by A014486 (or A063171).

%I #15 Jan 11 2024 13:08:29

%S 0,10,200,110,3000,2010,2100,1200,1110,40000,30010,30100,20200,20110,

%T 31000,21010,22000,13000,12010,21100,12100,11200,11110,500000,400010,

%U 400100,300200,300110,401000,301010,302000,203000,202010,301100,202100

%N Full Łukasiewicz word for each rooted plane tree (interpretation e in Stanley's exercise 19) encoded by A014486 (or A063171).

%C Note: Here the last leaf is explicit, i.e. the terms are obtained from those of A071153 by multiplying them by 10.

%C Note: this finite decimal representation works only up to the 6917th term, as the 6918th such word is already "x0000000000" (where x stands for digit "ten").

%H Antti Karttunen, <a href="/A014486/a014486.ps.gz">Illustration of initial terms</a>

%H OEIS Wiki, <a href="/wiki/Łukasiewicz_words">Łukasiewicz words</a>

%H <a href="/index/Lu#Lukasiewicz">Index entries for sequences related to Łukasiewicz</a>

%Y a(n) = 10*A071153(n).

%Y For n > 1, the number of zeros in the term a(n) is given by A057514(n).

%Y The first digit of each term is given by A057515.

%Y Cf. A059984, A059985.

%K nonn,fini

%O 0,2

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Jan 09 2003