%I #5 Dec 05 2013 19:55:57
%S 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,132,12,65,56,45,32,102,54,76,120,21,132,23,120,
%T 675,78,54,56,87,120,465,32,132,34,210,324,2109,76,78,120,123,210,43,
%U 132,45,3542,423,432,98,123450,102,312,901,54,1320,56,342,3654,354,120
%N Smallest multiple of n whose digits can be re-arranged to be a substring of the cyclic concatenation 1234567890123435678901234...
%C Numbers n such that n or some digit permutation of n is a substring of the cyclic concatenation of digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2...
%C If a(n) contains more 1's than it contains 0's and n>10, then a(10n)=10a(n) - _Sam Alexander_, Oct 19 2003
%F If m>1, a(10^m) is obtained by starting with a string of m-1 1's, then concatenating a string of m-1 2's, then a string of m-1 3's, ..., a string of m-1 9's, then finally a string of m 0's. So a(1000)=112233445566778899000. Also, to get a(5*10^m) from a(10^m), m>1, just take the rightmost 5 and move it in front of the 9's, so a(5000)=112233445667788995000 - _Sam Alexander_, Oct 19 2003
%e a(36) = 324, digits can be rearranged as 2,3,4. a(35) = 210, (0,1,2.)
%K base,nonn
%O 1,2
%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Nov 26 2002
%E More terms from _Sam Alexander_, Oct 19 2003