Squares which are the product of a non-palindrome and its reversal, where leading zeros are not allowed.

%I #27 Apr 25 2019 03:35:16

%S 63504,162409,254016,435600,665856,7683984,10673289,18974736,

%T 420332004,525876624,558471424,647804304,726949444,782432784,

%U 961186009,1086823089,1235030449,1681328016,1932129936,2103506496,2341011456,2363515456,3051678564,3413130084,4485784576

%N Squares which are the product of a non-palindrome and its reversal, where leading zeros are not allowed.

%H Chai Wah Wu, <a href="/A076750/b076750.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1169</a>

%e One way: 10673289 = 3267^2 = 1089*9801.

%e From _Bernard Schott_, Apr 12 2019: (Start)

%e Two ways:

%e 7683984 = 2772^2 = 2772*2772 = 1584*4851;

%e 435600 = 660^2 = 528*825 = 6600*66. (End)

%Y Cf. A062917, A325149, A325150.

%Y Subsequence of A325148.

%K base,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Jason Earls_, Nov 12 2002

%E More terms from _Chai Wah Wu_, Apr 11 2019