%I #1 May 16 2003 03:00:00
%S 127,1927,6553,10922,19252,98731,164529,295709,559292,1083662,2132519,
%T 4230034,125829127,427819033,713031722,1258291252,6467616811,
%U 10779361329,19377684509,36649828412,71017955342
%N Basis for code in A075937.
%D J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloane, Lexicographic codes: error-correcting codes from game theory, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 32:337-348, 1986.
%H Bob Jenkins, <a href="http://burtleburtle.net/bob/math/lexicode.html">Tables of Binary Lexicodes</a>
%H Ari Trachtenberg, <a href="http://ipsit.bu.edu/phdthesis_html/phdthesis_html.html">Error-Correcting Codes on Graphs: Lexicodes, Trellises and Factor Graphs</a>
%F a(n) = b(2^n), where b is A075937, the binary lexicode, d=7.
%F b(n) = XOR(a(i)) for all i where the i-th bit is set in n.
%Y Cf. A075928, A075929, A075930, A075937, A075939, A075941, A075932, A075944.
%K nonn
%O 0,1
%A Bob Jenkins (bob_jenkins(AT)burtleburtle.net)