Define the composite field of a prime q to be f(q) = (t,s) if p, q, r are three consecutive primes and q-p = t and r-q = s. This is a sequence of primes q with field (2,6).

%I #11 Oct 17 2014 20:31:11

%S 31,61,73,151,271,433,571,601,1033,1063,1231,1291,1321,1453,1621,2131,

%T 2341,2383,2551,2713,2791,3301,3541,4021,4051,4093,4651,4723,5101,

%U 5443,5521,5641,5743,5851,6271,6361,6571,6703,6961,7213,8011,9001,9043,9343

%N Define the composite field of a prime q to be f(q) = (t,s) if p, q, r are three consecutive primes and q-p = t and r-q = s. This is a sequence of primes q with field (2,6).

%H Alois P. Heinz, <a href="/A073650/b073650.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>

%t Transpose[Select[Partition[Prime[Range[1200]],3,1],Differences[#] == {2,6}&]][[2]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jul 23 2011 *)

%Y Cf. A073648, A073649.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Aug 09 2002

%E More terms from _Benoit Cloitre_, Aug 13 2002