a(n) is the smallest positive integer m for which A070194(m) (i.e., the maximal gap in {k|gcd(k,m) = 1, 1 <= k <= m-1}) is n.

%I #20 Oct 19 2017 10:38:25

%S 3,4,15,6,105,30,1155,770,36465,210,15015,6006,255255,2310,8580495,

%T 102102,4849845,72930,20056049013,74364290,5898837945,30030,

%U 3234846615,881790,195282582495,510510,218257003965,20281170,100280245065,17160990,934482952262145,6614136163635

%N a(n) is the smallest positive integer m for which A070194(m) (i.e., the maximal gap in {k|gcd(k,m) = 1, 1 <= k <= m-1}) is n.

%C a(n) is the least x such that maximal gap in RRS of x equals n: a(n) = max{x: A070194(x) = n}

%C For n > 2, same as A128759, which gives the least k such that the Jacobsthal function A048669(k) equals n. See A128759 for more comments. - _T. D. Noe_, Mar 28 2007

%e A070194 begins with 1,2,1,4,... with offset 3, so a(4)=6.

%t gw[x_] := Table[GCD[w, x], {w, 1, x}] rrs[x_] := Flatten[Position[gw[x], 1]] dr[x_] := Delete[RotateLeft[rrs[x]]-rrs[x], -1] t=Table[0, {25}]; Do[s=Max[dr[n]]; If[s<26&&t[[s]]==0, t[[s]]=n], {n, 3, 10000}]; t (* _Labos Elemer_, Oct 09 2002 *)

%Y Cf. A000010, A061498, A070194, A071194.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _John W. Layman_, May 17 2002

%E a(13)-a(18) from _T. D. Noe_, Mar 28 2007

%E a(19) onwards from _Don Reble_, Oct 17 2013