Sequences counting and ranking partitions and compositions by their differences and quotients. By Gus Wiseman Last Updated Mar 15 2021. - The first differences of a sequence are defined as if it were increasing, so for example the first differences of (6,3,1) are (-3,-2). - The first quotients of a sequence are defined as if it were an increasing chain of divisors, so for example the first quotients of (6,3,1) are (1/2,1/3). - "dstnct" means all parts are different. - "equal" means all parts are equal. - "wkinc" means the parts are weakly increasing. - "wkdec" means the parts are weakly decreasing. - "strinc" means the parts are strictly increasing. - "strdec" means the parts are strictly decreasing. - The Heinz number of a partition (y_1,...,y_k) is prime(y_1)*...*prime(y_k), giving a bijective correspondence between positive integers and integer partitions. First differences dstnct equal wkinc wkdec strinc strdec ------------------------------------------------------ Partitions: A325325 A049988 A240026 A320466 A240027 A320470 Heinz numbers: A325368 A325328 A325360 A325361 A325456 A325457 Compositions: A325545 A175342 A325546 A070211 A325547 A325548 Strict partitions: A320347 A049980 A179255 A320382 A179254 A320388 First quotients dstnct equal wkinc wkdec strinc strdec ------------------------------------------------------ Partitions: A342514 A342496 A342497 A342513 A342498 A342499 Heinz numbers: A342521 A342522 A342523 A342526 A342524 A342525 Compositions: A342529 A342495 A342492 A069916 A342493 A342494 Strict partitions: A342520 A342515 A342516 A342519 A342517 A342518 Latest version: