Dimension of the space of weight n cuspidal newforms for Gamma_1( 24 ).

%I #12 May 02 2023 13:10:21

%S -1,5,12,17,26,31,40,43,54,57,68,69,82,83,96,95,110,109,124,121,138,

%T 135,152,147,166,161,180,173,194,187,208,199,222,213,236,225,250,239,

%U 264,251,278,265,292,277,306,291,320,303,334,317,348,329

%N Dimension of the space of weight n cuspidal newforms for Gamma_1( 24 ).

%H William A. Stein, <a href="http://wstein.org/Tables/dimskg1new.gp">Dimensions of the spaces S_k^{new}(Gamma_1(N))</a>

%H William A. Stein, <a href="http://wstein.org/Tables/">The modular forms database</a>

%F From _Colin Barker_, Feb 24 2015: (Start)

%F a(n) = a(n-2)+a(n-4)-a(n-6) for n>8.

%F G.f.: x^2*(x^6+9*x^5+15*x^4+12*x^3+13*x^2+5*x-1) / ((x-1)^2*(x+1)^2*(x^2+1)).

%F (End)

%K sign

%O 2,2

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Jul 14 2001