1 5 2 101 3 1020101 4 53 5 29 6 2507707213238852620996901 7 449 8 13 9 8693 10 1997 11 6029 12 61 13 3181837 14 113 15 181 16 1934689 17 6143090225314378441493352126119201470973493456817556328833988172277 18 4733 19 3617 20 41 21 68141 22 37 23 51473 24 17 25 821 26 598201519454797 27 157 28 9689 29 2357 30 757 31 149 32 293 33 5261 # # The following are very likely, but not proven, to be the continuation of this sequence. # See the discussion at http://mersenneforum.org/showthread.php?t=17990 # #34 1774915226229214328737 #35 233 #36 73 #37 13989077153 #38 11689487473519919005062249197 #39 353 #40 4021 #41 24891406347771253321