Sum of 'n with digits sorted ascending' and 'n with digits sorted descending' is prime.

%I #7 Oct 17 2019 22:37:12

%S 1,10,100,107,109,116,118,146,158,161,164,166,170,178,181,185,187,188,

%T 190,229,239,245,254,257,269,275,277,292,293,296,299,329,338,344,356,

%U 365,368,383,386,392,407,416,425,434,443,452,455,461,467,469,470,476

%N Sum of 'n with digits sorted ascending' and 'n with digits sorted descending' is prime.

%e 107 is a term because 017 + 710 = 727 is prime.

%Y Cf. A052008.

%K nonn,base

%O 0,2

%A _Patrick De Geest_, Nov 15 1999