Don Reble, Jun 06 2016 We will show that the following five definitions are equiva;ent: (D1) Positive numbers divisible by 8 or by the square of an odd prime. (D2) Moduli n for which there exist affine maps f:x->a*x + b modulo n, with a>1, such that f has order n in the affine group. (D3) Numbers n such that A005361(n) < A003557(n). (D4) Numbers i such that there is a smaller positive number j such that (i+j)/2 and sqrt(i*j) are integers. (D5) Numbers n such that A008475(n) is different from A001414(n). Proofs: Let S1,...,S5 be the integer sets defined by D1,...,D5. Definitions: - component of n: for any prime p, the highest power of p which divides n. - big component of n: any composite component, except 4 The point of a big component p^k is that p^k > p*k, while for other components, p^1 = p*1, and 2^2 = 2*2. Also, D1 can be written "Positive numbers with a big component." --- S1 = S5 --- A008475 maps n = product(p^k) to a(n) = sum(p^k). A001414 sums the prime factors of n (including repetitions); a(n) = sum(p*k). If sum(p^k) isn't sum(p*k), then for some component, p^k isn't p*k, so p^k is a big component. So S5 is a subset of S1. If n has a big component, that component makes A008475 bigger than A001414. So S1 is a subset of S5. --- S1 = S2 --- Using Knuth's Theorem A, [TAOCP volume 2, second edition, section, p. 16], we see that there is such an affine map f:x->a*x + b modulo n iff - each prime dividing n also divides a-1, and - if 4 divides n, then 4 also divides a-1. (Also, b must be coprime to n; b=1 suffices.) We may take a to be within [2,n-1]. (a=1 works, but it's forbidden, since we have "with a>1") If n is square-free, then n divides a-1: all a-values in [2,n-1] fail, and there is no such map. So n is not square-free. If the only composite component of n is 4, then again n divides a-1. Therefore n is divisible by 8 or by the square of an odd prime. So S2 is a subset of S1. If n is divisible by 8, let d be the highest odd factor of n, let a=4d+1. 1 < a=4d+1 < 8d <= n. If n is divisible by odd p^2, let a=(n/p)+1. 1 <= n/(p^2) < a=(n/p)+1 < n. Either way, Knuth's theorem shows that there is a suitable affine map using that a-value. So S1 is a subset of S2. --- S1 = S3 --- A005361 gives the product of the exponents in n = product(p^k). A003557 gives n divided by its largest square-free divisor. If n is square-free, than A003557(n) = 1 = A005361(n). If n is 4 times an odd square-free number, then A003557(n) = 2 = A005361(n). So if A003557(n) > A005361(n), n must be divisible by 8 or by the square of an odd prime. So S3 is a subset of S1. First, show that A005361(n) <= A003557(n) always. Let n = product(p^k); then A005361(n) = product(k), A003557(n) = product(p^(k-1)). If p^k is a big component, then p^k > p*k, and p^(k-1) > k. If p^k is not big, then p^k = p*k, and p^(k-1) = k. Each factor of A003557 is >= the corresponding factor of A005361, so the product is >=. Let n be a element of S1; let c=p^k be a big component of n. Then p*A005361(n) = p*k*A005361(n/c) <= p*k*A003557(n/c) < (p^k)*A003557(n/c) = p*(c/p)*A003557(n/c) = p*A003557(n). Therefore A005361(n) < A003557(n) and n is in S3. So S1 is a subset of S3. --- S1 = S4 --- If i is divisible by 8, then let j=i/4; if i is divisible by an odd p^2, let j=i/(p^2). Then 0