Distinct numbers in writing first numerator and then denominator of each element of the 1/5-Pascal triangle (by row).

%I #8 Jun 22 2013 16:05:41

%S 1,5,6,11,12,16,23,21,39,46,26,17,31,86,29,34,36,117,231,63,41,153,

%T 348,546,126,194,501,894,1176,51,48,139,279,414,2352,56,291,187,418,

%U 693,4422,61,347,1226,605,1111,7887,8844,66,408,1573,4251,1716,13442,16731

%N Distinct numbers in writing first numerator and then denominator of each element of the 1/5-Pascal triangle (by row).

%e 1/1; 1/1 1/1; 1/1 1/5 1/1; 1/1 6/5 6/5 1/1; 1/1 11/5 12/5 11/5 1/1; 1/1 16/5 23/5 23/5 16/5 1/1; 1/1 21/5 39/5 46/5 39/5 21/5 1/1; 1/1 26/5 12/1 17/1 17/1 12/1 26/5 1/1; ...

%Y Cf. A046601.

%K tabf,nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Mohammad K. Azarian_

%E Corrected and extended by _James A. Sellers_, Dec 15 1999