Composite palindromes divided by the palindromic sum of their prime factors is a palindrome (counted with multiplicity).

%I #14 Nov 01 2019 10:32:45

%S 4,1345431,12333321,1425665241,12026255262021,35686666668653,

%T 40181955918104,128449444944821,146426787624641,651751101157156,

%U 1734573883754371,2313421221243132,6858874224788586,9889882002889889,12446686768664421,23265253035256232,30153338083335103

%N Composite palindromes divided by the palindromic sum of their prime factors is a palindrome (counted with multiplicity).

%H Giovanni Resta, <a href="/A046362/b046362.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..39</a> (terms < 10^19)

%e 1345431 = 3 * 17 * 23 * 31 * 37 -> Sum of factors is palindrome 111 -> 1345431 / 111 = 12121 and quotient is also palindromic.

%Y Cf. A046358, A046361.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Patrick De Geest_, Jun 15 1998

%E Edited name and a(5)-a(12) from _Donovan Johnson_, Oct 11 2011

%E a(13)-a(17) from _Giovanni Resta_, Nov 01 2019