Numbers k such that 0 and 3 occur juxtaposed in the base-4 representation of k but not of k+1.

%I #11 Aug 25 2021 04:53:06

%S 12,19,28,35,44,51,60,67,79,83,92,99,108,115,124,131,143,147,156,163,

%T 172,179,188,207,211,220,227,236,243,252,259,271,275,284,291,300,319,

%U 323,335,339,348,355,364,371,380,387,399,403

%N Numbers k such that 0 and 3 occur juxtaposed in the base-4 representation of k but not of k+1.

%Y Cf. A007090.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_