Numbers k such that 3 and 5 occur juxtaposed in the base-6 representation of k but not of k-1.

%I #10 Aug 22 2021 20:51:44

%S 23,33,59,69,95,105,131,138,167,177,198,213,239,249,275,285,311,321,

%T 347,354,383,393,414,429,455,465,491,501,527,537,563,570,599,609,630,

%U 645,671,681,707,717,743,753,779,786,815,825,828

%N Numbers k such that 3 and 5 occur juxtaposed in the base-6 representation of k but not of k-1.

%t SequencePosition[Table[If[SequenceCount[IntegerDigits[n,6],{3,5}]>0 || SequenceCount[ IntegerDigits[n,6],{5,3}]>0,1,0],{n,1000}],{0,1}][[All,2]] (* Requires Mathematica version 10 or later *) (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jul 05 2017 *)

%Y Cf. A007092.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_