%I #9 Dec 09 2013 18:53:46
%S 1,20,3108,297296,31937617,3350337360,353544256465,37264079953664,
%T 3928877032323636,414211112701109036,43669866502128209569,
%U 4604058193083952217472,485400369515158307543761,51175176191003066916312572,5395337413785403025694582228
%N Number of perfect matchings in graph P_{2} X C_{6} X P_{n}.
%D Per Hakan Lundow, "Computation of matching polynomials and the number of 1-factors in polygraphs", Research report, No 12, 1996, Department of Math., Umea University, Sweden.
%H Alois P. Heinz, <a href="/A028458/b028458.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..200</a>
%H Per Hakan Lundow, <a href="http://www.theophys.kth.se/~phl/Text/1factors2.ps.gz">Enumeration of matchings in polygraphs</a>, 1998.
%K nonn
%O 0,2
%A _Per H. Lundow_