print(` Version of April 18, 1997`): print(`This is GJseries, A Maple program`): print(`that finds a series expansion for the generating function of`): print(`the enumerating sequence of words avoiding a finite set of`): print(`of MISTAKES.`): print(`It uses a clever implementation of the Goulden-Jackson method`): lprint(``): print(`Written by John Noonan and Doron Zeilberger.`): lprint(``): print(`It is one of the packages accompanying Noonan and Zeilberger's `): print(`article: "The Goulden-Jackson Cluster Method: Extensions,`): print(`Applications, and Implementations", where the method`): print(`is explained in detail, and then extended and generalized in`): print(`various directions. `): lprint(``): print(`The paper, and the packages, including the present one`): print(`is available from`): lprint(``): print(`For general help, and a list of the available functions,`): print(` type "ezra();". For specific help type "ezra(procedure_name)" `): lprint(``): lprint(`Please report to: `): ezra:=proc() if args=NULL then print(` GJseries `): print(`A Maple program`): print(` for finding series exapansions`): print(`for the number of words avoiding a prescribed, finite, set of`): print(`"mistakes". Contains Procedures `): print(` GJs, GJ , bdok `): print(` For specific help type "ezra(procedure_name)" `): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`GJs` then print(`GJs(NUMLETTERS,MISTAKES,s,L) finds the first L terms `): print(`of the sequence: wt. enumer. of words of length n, according to`): print(`the weight s^(number of factors `): print(`( i.e. subsequences of conssecutive letters) that belong to the`): print(`set of lists MISTAKES), where the number of letters of the alphabet`): print(` is NUMLETTERS. For example to find the sequnce a_n(s) (0<=n<=15)`): print(`where a_n:= wt. enumerator of words in {1,2,3} with MISTAKES=`): print(` {123,231,312}. type GJs(3,{[1,2,3],[2,3,1],[3,1,2]},s,15)`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`GJ` then print(`GJ(NUMLETTERS,MISTAKES,L) finds the first L terms `): print(`of the sequence: number of words of length n, that avoid`): print(`as factors,`): print(`( i.e. subsequences of conssecutive letters) the members of the `): print(`set of lists MISTAKES), where the number of letters of the alphabet`): print(` is NUMLETTERS. For example to find the sequnce a_n (0<=n<=15)`): print(`where a_n:= wt. numbers of words in {1,2,3} without factors in `): print(` MISTAKES={123,231,312}. type GJ(3,{[1,2,3],[2,3,1],[3,1,2]},15)`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`Lclusts` then print(`Lclust(MISTAKES,NUTERMS,s): computes the first NUTERMS terms of`): print(`the L-cluster expansion of the g.f. if the set of mistakes is`): print(` MISTAKES . For example Lclusts({[1,2]},10,s) `): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`Lclust` then print(`Lclust(MISTAKES,NUTERMS): computes the first NUTERMS terms of`): print(`the L-cluster expansion of the g.f. if the set of mistakes is`): print(` MISTAKES . For example Lclust({[1,2]},10,s) `): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`bdok` then print(`bdok(MISTAKES) checks that the setof Mistakes is minimal with `): print(`respect to containment`): fi: end: #bdok(MISTAKES) checks that the set of Mistakes is minimal with #respect to containment bdok:=proc(MISTAKES) local mila,i,j,k,mila1: for i from 1 to nops(MISTAKES) do mila:=op(i,MISTAKES): for j from 1 to nops(mila) do for k from j to nops(mila) do mila1:=[op(j..k,mila)]: if k-jLEN then LEN:=nops(mila): fi: od: #Lt[word] is an inedex variable whose argument, word, is a mistake or #or prefix of a mistake, and which is a list of length LEN-1 that describes #the coeffs. of the wt. enumerators of L-clusters at the previous LEN-1 #coeffs. in the case of word being a mistake. If word is a suffix of a mistake #then it is the sum of the coeffs. of all #wt. enumerators of mistakes that end with [word] #We now initialize all these lists Lt[word] to be the zero lists EFES:=[seq(0,j=1..LEN-1)]: for i from 1 to nops(SUFFI) do mila:=op(i,SUFFI): Lt[op(mila)]:=EFES: od: #x[word] is the new coeffs. of t^(I1) to be computed using the #recurrences, in case word is a mistake and the sum of all these #x[mistakes] over the mistakes that end in word if word is in PREFS for I1 from 0 to NUTERMS do tot:=0: #we now initialize all x[word]'s to be 0 #when word is a suffix of a mistake for i from 1 to nops(SUFFI) do mila:=op(i,SUFFI): x[op(mila)]:=0: od: for i from 1 to nops(MISTAKES) do #we now initialize gu to be (s-1)*delta(I1,length(mistake)) #when word is a mistake mila:=op(i,MISTAKES): gu:=0: if nops(mila)=I1 then gu:=s-1: fi: #we now use the recurrence to compute x[mistake] for r from 1 to nops(mila)-1 do pref:=[op(1..nops(mila)-r,mila)]: if member(pref,SUFFI) then gu:=expand(gu+(s-1)*op(LEN-r,Lt[op(pref)])): fi: od: for j from 2 to nops(mila) do suffi:=[op(j..nops(mila),mila)]: x[op(suffi)]:=x[op(suffi)]+gu: od: tot:=tot+gu: od: #We now update LIS, and the Lt[]'s LIS:=[op(LIS),tot]: for i1 from 1 to nops(SUFFI) do mila:=op(i1,SUFFI): resh:=Lt[op(mila)]: Lt[op(mila)]:=[op(2..nops(resh),resh),x[op(mila)]]: od: od: LIS: end: #Lclust is exactly like Lclusts, but with s=0. See there for comments Lclust:=proc(MISTAKES,NUTERMS) local LEN,SUFFI,i,j,x,Lt,LIS,mila,EFES,I1,r,pref,tot,gu,resh,i1,suffi: LIS:=[]: SUFFI:={[]}: for i from 1 to nops(MISTAKES) do mila:=op(i,MISTAKES): for j from 2 to nops(mila) do SUFFI:=SUFFI union {[op(j..nops(mila),mila)]}: od: od: LEN:=0: for i from 1 to nops(MISTAKES) do mila:=op(i,MISTAKES): if nops(mila)>LEN then LEN:=nops(mila): fi: od: EFES:=[seq(0,j=1..LEN-1)]: for i from 1 to nops(SUFFI) do mila:=op(i,SUFFI): Lt[op(mila)]:=EFES: od: for I1 from 0 to NUTERMS do tot:=0: for i from 1 to nops(SUFFI) do mila:=op(i,SUFFI): x[op(mila)]:=0: od: for i from 1 to nops(MISTAKES) do mila:=op(i,MISTAKES): gu:=0: if nops(mila)=I1 then gu:=-1: fi: for r from 1 to nops(mila)-1 do pref:=[op(1..nops(mila)-r,mila)]: if member(pref,SUFFI) then gu:=expand(gu-op(LEN-r,Lt[op(pref)])): fi: od: for j from 2 to nops(mila) do suffi:=[op(j..nops(mila),mila)]: x[op(suffi)]:=x[op(suffi)]+gu: od: tot:=tot+gu: od: LIS:=[op(LIS),tot]: for i1 from 1 to nops(SUFFI) do mila:=op(i1,SUFFI): resh:=Lt[op(mila)]: Lt[op(mila)]:=[op(2..nops(resh),resh),x[op(mila)]]: od: od: LIS: end: GJs:=proc(NUMLETTERS,MISTAKES,s,L) local lu,resh,i,gu,t,resh1: if bdok(MISTAKES)=0 then ERROR(` At least one mistake is a (proper) factor of another mistake`): fi: resh:=Lclusts(MISTAKES,L+2,s): lu:=0: for i from 0 to L+1 do lu:=lu+op(i+1,resh)*t^i: od: gu:=1/(1-NUMLETTERS*t-lu): gu:=taylor(gu,t=0,L+1): resh1:=[]: for i from 0 to L do resh1:=[op(resh1),expand(coeff(gu,t,i))]: od: resh1: end: GJ:=proc(NUMLETTERS,MISTAKES,L) local lu,resh,i,gu,t,resh1: if bdok(MISTAKES)=0 then ERROR(` At least one mistake is a (proper) factor of another mistake`): fi: resh:=Lclust(MISTAKES,L+2): lu:=0: for i from 0 to L+1 do lu:=lu+op(i+1,resh)*t^i: od: gu:=1/(1-NUMLETTERS*t-lu): gu:=taylor(gu,t=0,L+1): resh1:=[]: for i from 0 to L do resh1:=[op(resh1),expand(coeff(gu,t,i))]: od: resh1: end: