Initial members of prime decaplets (p, p+2, p+6, p+12, p+14, p+20, p+24, p+26, p+30, p+32).

%I #47 Nov 04 2021 13:10:15

%S 9853497737,21956291867,22741837817,164444511587,179590045487,

%T 217999764107,231255798857,242360943257,666413245007,696391309697,

%U 867132039857,974275568237,976136848847,1002263588297,1086344116367

%N Initial members of prime decaplets (p, p+2, p+6, p+12, p+14, p+20, p+24, p+26, p+30, p+32).

%C All terms are congruent to 167 (modulo 210). - _Matt C. Anderson_, May 29 2015

%H Matt C. Anderson and Dana Jacobsen, <a href="/A027570/b027570.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a> [first 100 terms from Matt C. Anderson]

%H Tony Forbes and Norman Luhn, <a href="http://www.pzktupel.de/ktuplets.htm">Prime k-tuplets</a>

%H Norman Luhn, <a href="http://www.pzktupel.de/SMArchiv/10tup2.zip">1 million terms of A027570</a>, zip compressed (7.94 MB) (2021).

%p a := 1:

%p for b to 25 do

%p a := a*ithprime(b):

%p end do:

%p a;

%p # now 'a' is the product of the primes less than 100.

%p composite_small := proc (n::integer)

%p description "procedure to determine if n has a prime factor less than 100";

%p if igcd(2305567963945518424753102147331756070, n) = 1 then return false

%p else return true;

%p end if;

%p end proc:

%p # so composite_small tests if there are any factors 2 through 97.

%p #begin initialization section

%p p := [0, 2, 6, 12, 14, 20, 24, 26, 30, 32];

%p o := [7517, 10247, 12137, 14447, 14867, 17177, 21377, 24107, 25997, 28727];

%p m := 30030;

%p #end initialization section

%p # implement isprime(m*n+o+p)

%p with(ArrayTools):

%p os:=Size(o,2):

%p ps:=Size(p,2):

%p #here ps is 10 so a prime constellation of length 10.

%p loopstop := 10^11:

%p loopstart := 0:

%p for n from loopstart to loopstop do

%p for a to os do

%p counter := 0; wc := 0; wd := 0;

%p while `and`(wd > -10, wd < ps) do

%p wd := wd+1;

%p if composite_small(m*n+o[a]+p[wd]) = false then wd := wd+1

%p else wd := -10 end if;

%p end do;

%p if wd >= 9 then

%p while `and`(counter >= 0, wc < ps) do

%p wc := wc+1;

%p if isprime(m*n+o[a]+p[wc]) then counter := counter+1;

%p else counter := -1

%p end if;

%p end do;

%p end if;

%p if counter = ps then print(m*n+o[a]) end if;

%p end do:

%p end do:

%p # _Matt C. Anderson_, Apr 15 2015

%o (Perl) use ntheory ":all"; say for sieve_prime_cluster(1,1e13, 2,6,12,14,20,24,26,30,32); # _Dana Jacobsen_, Sep 30 2015

%Y Cf. A027569, A202361, A202362.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Warut Roonguthai_