Let m=n+1; a(n) is the least positive integer s, not a multiple of m, such that if 1<=d<=m and (d,m)=1, then d divides one of the numbers s-m, s-2m, ..., s-m[ s/m ].

%I #11 Mar 22 2013 14:59:26

%S 3,5,7,13,11,19,23,34,37,51,47,76,69,71,93,147,106,184,137,164,192,

%T 275,167,313,251,316,303,365,329,553,317,458,563,548,427,697,563,739,

%U 591,940,617,1051,747,712,1003,1251,761,1219

%N Let m=n+1; a(n) is the least positive integer s, not a multiple of m, such that if 1<=d<=m and (d,m)=1, then d divides one of the numbers s-m, s-2m, ..., s-m[ s/m ].

%o (PARI) a(n) = {m = n+1; s = m; while (1, sok = 1; if (s % m, for (d=1, m, if (gcd(d,m) == 1, ndok = 0; for (k=1, floor(s/m), if (((s-k*m) % d) == 0, ndok = 1; break;););); if (! ndok, sok = 0; break;);); if (sok, return(s)););s++;);} \\ _Michel Marcus_, Mar 22 2013

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_

%E More terms from _Michel Marcus_, Mar 22 2013