This file contains two separate programs (recaman1.f and recaman2.f) for Recaman's sequences A005132 (a(*)), A057167 (h(*)), and many associated sequences. c recaman1.f c Fortran program for Recaman's sequences A005132 (a(*)), A057167 (h(*)), c A064227, A064228, A064288, A064289, etc c c a(*) = the sequence c h(n) = 1 if we have hit i already, else c c tim(n) = no. of times n appears c rec(n) = record time to hit a tough n c ntough(n) = list of tough n's c ht = height of current term = no. of addition steps - no. of substraction steps c height(n) = height of n when it appears c htime(n) = height of number reached at n-th step = ht of n-th term c recht(m) = first number of height m c rechtn(m) = time when get first number of height m c lasth(m) = last number of height m c lasthn(m) = time when get last number of height m c implicit integer(a-z) integer rec(10000),ntough(1000),tim(100) integer height(100),htime(100),recht(100),lasthn(100) integer rechtn(100),lasth(100) real xjjj integer*4 h,a common /fred/ h(1300000000),a(100000000) c set limits maxn=1300000000 c maxi=926169 maxi=1000 maxrec=1000 maxt=100 maxht=100 c initiate arrays etc c=-1 c h(i) = 1 if we have hit i already, else c do 1 i=1,maxn 1 h(i)=c c tim(n) = no. of times n appears do 16 i=1,maxt 16 tim(i)=0 a(1)=1 h(1)=1 tim(1)=1 record=1 rec(1)=1 ntough(1)=1 norec=1 ht=1 height(1)=1 htime(1)=1 recht(1)=1 rechtn(1)=1 lasth(1)=1 lasthn(1)=1 bight=1 c the main loop do 10 nx=2,maxi c write(*,*)"nx = ",nx,a(nx-1) c can we subtract? t1=a(nx-1)-nx if(t1.le.0)goto 11 if( 3 if(h(t1).eq.c)goto 12 c no must add 11 t1=a(nx-1)+nx ht=ht+1 if(ht.le.bight)goto 30 c new record height bight=ht if(bight.le.maxht) recht(ht)=t1 if(bight.le.maxht) rechtn(ht)=nx 30 continue if( 2 a(nx)=t1 if(h(t1).eq.c) h(t1)=nx if(t1.le.maxt)tim(t1)=tim(t1)+1 if(h(t1).eq.nx.and.t1.le.maxht)height(t1)=ht if(nx.le.maxht)htime(nx)=ht if(ht.le.maxht)lasth(ht)=t1 if(ht.le.maxht)lasthn(ht)=nx goto 10 c yes can subtract 12 a(nx)=t1 h(t1)=nx ht=ht-1 if(t1.le.maxt)tim(t1)=tim(t1)+1 if(t1.le.maxht)height(t1)=ht if(nx.le.maxht)htime(nx)=ht if(ht.le.maxht)lasth(ht)=t1 if(ht.le.maxht)lasthn(ht)=nx 10 continue c done xjjj=-float(a(maxi))/float(maxi)+float(ht) jjj=xjjj c get records nlast=maxn do 4 n=1,maxn if(h(n).eq.c)goto 5 if(h(n).le.record)goto 4 norec=norec+1 record=h(n) if(norec.le.maxrec)goto 6 write(*,*)"Too many records" stop 6 rec(norec)=h(n) ntough(norec)=n 4 continue 5 nlast=n write(*,*)"the sequence" write(*,101)(a(i),i=1,500) write(*,*)"when it hits" write(*,101)(h(i),i=1,3000) 101 format(10i8) write(*,*)"records:" write(*,101)(rec(i),i=1,norec) write(*,*)"tough n's:" write(*,101)(ntough(i),i=1,norec) write(*,*)"First missing n = ",nlast write(*,*)"frequencies:" write(*,101)(tim(i),i=1,maxt) write(*,*)"height of n:" write(*,101)(height(i),i=1,maxht) write(*,*)"height of a(n):" write(*,101)(htime(i),i=1,maxht) write(*,*)"records for height (values)" write(*,101)(recht(i),i=1,maxht) write(*,*)"records for height (times)" write(*,101)(rechtn(i),i=1,maxht) write(*,*)"jjj = ",jjj write(*,*)" value at last time had height h:" write(*,101)(lasth(i),i=1,jjj) write(*,*)"last time had height h:" write(*,101)(lasthn(i),i=1,jjj) stop c term got too big 2 continue write(*,*)"Huge2: ",nx,t1 stop 3 continue write(*,*)"Huge3: ",nx,t1 stop end c recaman2.f c This version computes the first billion terms c Fortran program for Recaman's sequences A005132 (a(*)), A057167 (h(*)), c A064227, A064228, A064288, A064289, etc c c a(*) = the sequence c h(n) = 1 if we have hit i already, else c c tim(n) = no. of times n appears c rec(n) = record time to hit a tough n c ntough(n) = list of tough n's c ht = height of current term = no. of addition steps - no. of substraction steps c height(n) = height of n when it appears c htime(n) = height of number reached at n-th step = ht of n-th term c recht(m) = first number of height m c rechtn(m) = time when get first number of height m c lasth(m) = last number of height m c lasthn(m) = time when get last number of height m c implicit integer(a-z) integer rec(10000),ntough(1000),tim(100) integer height(100),htime(100),recht(100),lasthn(100) integer rechtn(100),lasth(100) real xjjj integer*1 h common /fred/ h(16000000000) c set limits maxn=16000000000 maxi=1000000000 maxrec=1000 maxt=100 maxht=100 c initiate arrays etc c=0 c h(i) = 1 if we have hit i already, else c c do 1 i=1,maxn c1 h(i)=c c tim(n) = no. of times n appears do 16 i=1,maxt 16 tim(i)=0 anow=1 h(1)=1 tim(1)=1 record=1 rec(1)=1 ntough(1)=1 norec=1 ht=1 height(1)=1 htime(1)=1 recht(1)=1 rechtn(1)=1 lasth(1)=1 lasthn(1)=1 bight=1 c the main loop do 10 nx=2,maxi c write(*,*)"nx = ",nx,a(nx-1) c can we subtract? c t1=a(nx-1)-nx t1=anow-nx if(t1.le.0)goto 11 if( 3 if(h(t1).eq.c)goto 12 c no must add 11 t1=anow+nx ht=ht+1 if(ht.le.bight)goto 30 c new record height bight=ht if(bight.le.maxht) recht(ht)=t1 if(bight.le.maxht) rechtn(ht)=nx 30 continue if( 2 c a(nx)=t1 anow=t1 if(h(t1).eq.c) h(t1)=1 if(t1.le.maxt)tim(t1)=tim(t1)+1 if(h(t1).eq.1.and.t1.le.maxht)height(t1)=ht if(nx.le.maxht)htime(nx)=ht if(ht.le.maxht)lasth(ht)=t1 if(ht.le.maxht)lasthn(ht)=nx goto 10 c yes can subtract 12 continue c a(nx)=t1 anow=t1 h(t1)=1 ht=ht-1 if(t1.le.maxt)tim(t1)=tim(t1)+1 if(t1.le.maxht)height(t1)=ht if(nx.le.maxht)htime(nx)=ht if(ht.le.maxht)lasth(ht)=t1 if(ht.le.maxht)lasthn(ht)=nx 10 continue c done xjjj=-float(anow)/float(maxi)+float(ht) jjj=xjjj c get records c nlast=maxn c do 4 n=1,maxn c if(h(n).eq.c)goto 5 c if(h(n).le.record)goto 4 c norec=norec+1 c record=h(n) c if(norec.le.maxrec)goto 6 c write(*,*)"Too many records" c stop c6 rec(norec)=h(n) c ntough(norec)=n c4 continue c5 nlast=n c write(*,*)"the sequence" c write(*,101)(a(i),i=1,300) c write(*,*)"when it hits" c write(*,101)(h(i),i=1,3000) 101 format(6i12) c write(*,*)"records:" c write(*,101)(rec(i),i=1,norec) c write(*,*)"tough n's:" c write(*,101)(ntough(i),i=1,norec) c write(*,*)"First missing n = ",nlast write(*,*)"frequencies:" write(*,101)(tim(i),i=1,maxt) write(*,*)"height of n:" write(*,101)(height(i),i=1,maxht) write(*,*)"height of a(n):" write(*,101)(htime(i),i=1,maxht) write(*,*)"records for height (values)" write(*,101)(recht(i),i=1,maxht) write(*,*)"records for height (times)" write(*,101)(rechtn(i),i=1,maxht) write(*,*)"jjj = ",jjj write(*,*)" value at last time had height h:" write(*,101)(lasth(i),i=1,jjj) write(*,*)"last time had height h:" write(*,101)(lasthn(i),i=1,jjj) stop c term got too big 2 continue write(*,*)"Huge2: ",nx,t1 stop 3 continue write(*,*)"Huge3: ",nx,t1 stop end