
Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.

a(n) = ceiling(n*phi^18), where phi is the golden ratio, A001622.

%I #19 Jul 19 2021 01:56:55

%S 0,5778,11556,17334,23112,28890,34668,40446,46224,52002,57780,63558,

%T 69336,75114,80892,86670,92448,98226,104004,109782,115560,121338,

%U 127116,132894,138672,144450,150228

%N a(n) = ceiling(n*phi^18), where phi is the golden ratio, A001622.

%H Tanya Khovanova, <a href="http://www.tanyakhovanova.com/RecursiveSequences/NonRecursions.html">Non Recursions</a>

%H <a href="/index/Se#sequences_which_agree_for_a_long_time">Index entries for sequences which agree for a long time but are different</a>

%t With[{c=GoldenRatio^18},Ceiling[c Range[0,30]]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Apr 15 2018 *)

%Y Differs from A004953 for first time at n=2889.

%K nonn

%O 0,2

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_