Range Voting is a Restricted Group with 220 members. Yahoo Groups Group Description RANGE VOTING selects the winner of an N-candidate election: (a) Each vote consists of assigning a point value from 0 to 99 to each candidate (for example, 30 points for candidate A, 64 for B etc.) The voter might give her favorite candidate a 99 and her least-favorite zero. (b) If a voter desires to express no opinion about any particular candidate, she may assign an X instead of a point value, indicating "intentional blank." (c) A candidate's "total score" is the average of all his non-blank scores (average = sum of points voters cast for that candidate divided by the number of voters who did not vote an X for him). (d) Candidate with highest average wins. (e) Candidates with too few non-X votes (even though they might have high scores) are not permitted to win. Range voting has properties superior to other single-winner voting systems: 1) Simplicity; 2) Encourages voter honesty instead of strategy; 3) Can be done on plurality-type "dumb" voting machines; 4) Unaffected by candidate cloning; 5) Best by test in computer simulation experiments measuring Bayesian regret of different voting systems; 6) Reduces spoiled ballots and 2-party domination. For more information please go to the Center for Range Voting. This bulletin board is the CRV's communication medium. WARNING: for many purposes, we now are trying to MIGRATE to the election science foundation GoogleGroup instead. (Also try clicking "links" or text-searching our archive.) Group Website http://www.rangevoting.org Group Information Members : 220 Category : Other Founded : Aug 3, 2005