Errors in Alain Caudron's 1989 thesis ===================================== Email from Ken Perko to N. J. A. Sloane, Sep 05 2021 Several years ago I sent you a copy of Alain Caudron's 1989 thesis, containing his knot tables through 11 crossings and you were kind enough to post it on your OEIS website. It's a wonderful resource for knot theorists like me, easily accessed by Googling "Alain Caudron knot tables" (where A002863 - OEIS appears as the second entry). Recently I've run across a couple of mistaken diagrams in that work. (1) his diagram of Little's knot 10_2III, in the bottom left corner of page 94, mistakenly reverses its uppermost crossing (and is in fact knot 8_4) because he seems to have copied the similarly mistaken drawing in the first edition of Rolfsen's "Knots and Links" book (corrected by Rolfsen in later editions) and (2) his diagram of Little's knot 11_305, toward the middle of page 98, is a duplicate of the correct drawing of 11_303, immediately to its left, apparently because its middle bigon was rotated 90 degrees from where it should be to reflect correctly the Conway notation it purports to illustrate. I wonder if you might add to your website a note that reflects these corrections. Best regards, Ken Perko