A characterization of A002450, A020988 and A080674. Peter Bala, Oct 2015 A002450 is the sequence 1/3*(4^n - 1). We show that A002450 gives the values of N such that binomial(4*N + 1,N) is odd. The proof uses Lucas' theorem on the divisibility of binomial coefficients by a prime p. We give similar characterizations for A020988 and A080674. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We make use of the following congruence, which is an equivalent form of Lucas' theorem - see [Mestrovic, Section 2]: binomial(n*p + r, m*p + s) = binomial(n,m)*binomial(r,s) (mod p) (1) where n, m, r and s are nonnegative integers such that 0 <= r,s <= p-1. The parity of numbers of the form binomial(4*N + 1,N) will be established on a case-by-case basis by applying (1) when p = 2. PROPOSITION 1. binomial(4*N + 1,N) is odd if and only if N = 1/3*(4^k - 1) for some k >= 0. PROOF. For N = 0, binomial(4*N + 1,N) = 1 is odd, and N = 1/3*(4^k - 1) with k = 0. From now on we assume N > 0. Case 1. N is even, say, N = 2^a*(2*b + 1) for some a >= 1, b >= 0. We have binomial(4*N + 1,N) = binomial( 2^(a+2)*(2*b + 1) + 1, 2^a*(2*b + 1) ) = binomial( 2^(a+1)(2*b + 1), 2^(a-1)*(2*b + 1) ) * binomial(1,0) (mod 2) by (1) = binomial( 2^(a+1)(2*b + 1), 2^(a-1)*(2*b + 1) ) (mod 2) = binomial( 2^(2)(2*b + 1), (2*b + 1) ) (mod 2) by repeated application of (1) = binomial( 2*(2*b + 1), 2*b ) * binomial(0,1) (mod 2) by (1) again = 0 (mod 2). Thus if N is even then binomial(4*N + 1,N) is even. Case 2. N is odd of the form N = 4*m + 3. Then by (1) binomial(4*N + 1,N) = binomial(16*m + 13,4*m + 3) = binomial(8*m + 6,2*m + 1) * binomial(1,1) (mod 2) = binomial(4*m + 3,m) * binomial(0,1) (mod 2) = 0 (mod 2). Thus if N is odd of the form 4*m + 3 then binomial(4*N + 1,N) is even. Case 3. N is odd of the form N = 4*m + 1. By (1) binomial(4*N + 1,N) = binomial(16*m + 5,4*m + 1) = binomial(8*m + 2,2*m) * binomial(1,1) (mod 2) = binomial(4*m + 1, m) * binomial(0,0) (mod 2) = binomial(4*m + 1,m) (mod 2). We have shown that if N = 4*m + 1 then binomial(4*N + 1,N) = binomial(4*m + 1,m) (mod 2). (2) We now use (2) in two reductio arguments to finish the proof of the proposition. (i) Suppose N = 4*m + 1 is the minimal positive integer not of the form 1/3*(4^k - 1) such that binomial(4*N + 1,N) is odd. Then by (2), binomial(4*m + 1,m) is also odd. Clearly, m is also not of the form 1/3*(4^k - 1) and m < N. This contradicts the assumed minimality of N. We conclude that if N = 4*m + 1 is not of the form 1/3*(4^k - 1) then binomial(4*N + 1,N) is even. Thus the only possible values of N for which binomial(4*N + 1,N) may be odd are when N = 4*m + 1 and also N is of the form 1/3*(4^k - 1) for some k >= 0. In fact, all such values of N make binomial(4*N + 1,N) odd, as can be seen by a simple induction argument using (2) or the following reductio argument. (ii) Suppose N = 4*m + 1 is the minimal number of the form 1/3*(4^k - 1) such that binomial(4*N + 1,N) is even. Necessarily, m > 0 since binomial(5,1) = 5 is odd. Then by (2), binomial(4*m + 1,m) is also even. But m = (N - 1)/ 4 = 1/3*(4^(k-1) - 1) and m < N. This contradicts the assumed minimality of N. We conclude that if N = 4*m + 1 is of the form 1/3*(4^k - 1) then binomial(4*N + 1,N) is odd. END PROOF. We can find similar characterizations in terms of the parity of certain binomial coefficients for A020988(n) = 2/3*(4^n - 1) and A080674(n) = 4/3*(4^n - 1). PROPOSITION 2. binomial(4*N + 2,N) is odd if and only if N = 2/3*(4^k - 1) = A020988(k) for some k >= 0. PROOF Case 1. Assume N = 2*m + 1 is odd. Then by (1) binomial(4*N + 2,N) = binomial(8*m + 6, 2*m + 1) = binomial(4*m + 3, m)*binomial(0,1) (mod 2) = 0 (mod 2) Thus binomial(4*N + 2,N) is even when N is odd. Case 2. Assume N = 2*m is even. Then by (1) binomial(4*N + 2,N) = binomial(8*m + 2, 2*m ) = binomial(4*m + 1, m) (mod 2) Hence by Proposition 1, binomial(4*N + 2,N) will be odd iff m = 1/3*(4^k - 1) for some k >= 0. Thus binomial(4*N + 2,N) will be odd iff N = 2*m = 2/3*(4^k - 1) for some k. END PROOF PROPOSITION 3. binomial(4*N + 4,N) is odd if and only if N = 4/3*(4^k - 1) = A080674(k) for some k >= 0. PROOF Case 1. Assume N = 2*m + 1 is odd. Then by (1) binomial(4*N + 4,N) = binomial(8*m + 8, 2*m + 1) = binomial(4*m + 4, m)*binomial(0,1) (mod 2) = 0 (mod 2) Thus binomial(4*N + 4,N) is even when N is odd. Case 2. Assume N = 2*m is even. Then by (1) binomial(4*N + 4,N) = binomial(8*m + 4, 2*m ) = binomial(4*m + 2, m) (mod 2) Hence by Proposition 2, binomial(4*N + 4,N) will be odd iff m = 2/3*(4^k - 1) for some k >= 0. Thus binomial(4*N + 4,N) will be odd iff N = 2*m = 4/3*(4^k - 1) for some k. END PROOF REFERENCES [1] ROMEO MESTROVIC, LUCAS’ THEOREM: ITS GENERALIZATIONS, EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS (1878–2014), arXiv:1409.3820v1 [math.NT] available online at http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.3820