# Maple program. Task: Generate an OEIS b-file of highly composite numbers on standard
# output from A. Flammenkamp's HCN file.

# Provision: the file HCNs (gunzipped, in pure ASCII form)
# is in the current working directory of this Maple program, as taken
# from http://wwwhomes.uni-bielefeld.de/achim/highly.html .

# usage:
# maple -q A002182.mp > b002182.txt
# where the A002182.mp is this file here, and the name of the redirected
# output a standard of the OEIS http://research.att.com/~njas/sequences/ .

# R. J. Mathar, 2007-11-26, http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/progs/A002182.mp

fHCN := fopen("HCNs",READ) :

# The offset is 1
n := 1:

# optional upper number of lines in the b-file (standard output)
nmax := 20000 :

# The outer loop reads a line of "HCN" until the file is exhausted
# or the nmax limit is reached.
bfil := readline(fHCN) :
while StringTools[WordCount](bfil) > 0 and n < nmax do

	# Split the line into blank-separated tokens
	bfil := StringTools[Split](bfil) ;

	# We ignore the first three numbers (floating point and big omega count) and
	# loop over the exponents and their optional multiplicities e_i^k_i.
	# The full product is initialized with 1.
	a := 1 :
	p := 2 :
	for e from 4 to nops(bfil) do
		# We decompose the e_i and k_i separated by the roof-top
		# eiki := StringTools[Split](op(e,bfil),"^") ;
		eiki := sscanf(op(e,bfil),"%d^%d") ;

		# missing roof top means multiplicity is one
		if nops(eiki) > 1 then
			k := op(2,eiki) ;
			k := 1 :
		fi ;
		while k > 0 do
			a := a*p^op(1,eiki) ;
			k := k-1 ;
			p := nextprime(p) :
	# OEIS b-file format: index followed by blank and the HCN
	printf("%d %d\n",n,a) ;

	# the next line will refer to the next n-number in the output
	n := n+1 :
	# get the next line from the HCNs file
        bfil := readline(fHCN) ;

# Because this is an orderly program, we also close the
# Flammenkamp file -:)
fclose(fHCN) :