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User talk:R. J. Cano/TheMinus3rdPlaceEffect

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Interesting. One observes a(n+1)/a(n) -> 100 and (more precisely) a(n) -> 1.5198177... * 10^(2n)

Did not yet think about an explanation. Possible tracks: sigma is particularly large for multiples of 6 (which are multiples of 3), and non-multiples of 3 are likely to be prime in which case sigma(n) = n+1. — M. F. Hasler 12:44, 11 March 2013 (UTC)

Also taking summation direclty by coding the definition of the sum is particularly slow. In other cases based on a more simple function like the sum defining A181482, the method described at: might be helpful for faster results. --R. J. Cano 20:00, 11 March 2013 (UTC)