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User:Thomas Scheuerle/todolist

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"stealing" here some ideas for sequences and comments in the database is allowed, if some remark of source will be added. Things found here are in work or scheduled to be analysed someday and are maybe completely wrong.

1,0,0,0,2,0,3,0,0,1,.. a(n) = n mod wt(n)+1

Square matrix. System of involutions.

S1 = lod_3(A014682) = 0, 2, 1, 5, 8, 11, 3, 14, 4, 17, 20, 23, 6, 26, 7, 29, 32, 35, 9, 38, 10, ...

Very interesting patterns will appear if A014682^k(n) is used for k > 112 which are otherwise obscured, but unfortunately Matlab compromises this by overflows, so I will switch to other tools here soon.

A222256 = A001281(A342369(n))

A235801 = a(n)=2*n-A342369(A014682(n)) A138750 = A342369(n)-A024164(n)

A341257 = eq[A118112(n), A338203(n)]

A340615 = A006368(A265734(1+n))-1

A340615 = A014682(A047256(n))

A059537 = A004526(A014681(A093544(A340615(n))))

A342131 = floor((1+n+2*n)/gcd(4, 2*n))

A342131 = floor(lcm(1+n, ∑[n+2*n])/(1+2*n))

A342131 = A057353(A059029(n))

A342131 = lod_3(A048673(n+3))

A342131 = A002265(A166138(n))

A342131 = A236348(A249693(n))

A324245 = A342131(n)%A065260(n)

A340709 = A093545(A342131(n))

A065172 = A074305(A342131(1+n))

A065171 = 1+A006369(A342131(n))

A249693 = A236348(A342131(n))

A065259 = A006369(A342131(1+n))