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User:S. Alwin Mao

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My primary aim in registering an account is to submit self-locating digits of a few interesting constants which have been calculated by others--I have only downloaded some digits and run some short code to find the first few examples.

I am inspired by and

Euler–Mascheroni_constant, 0.577...:

Where n=0 is the digit 5: 5, 6, 9, 67, 91, 313, 4305165, 7613277

Where n=1 is the digit 5: 57, 16939, 767158, '04305165', 5505709, 6674196, 7418985, 18873720 Note that 04305165 is a bit of a cheat! but it does appear at n=4305165. I guess n=0 is 0 depending

Where n=2 is the digit 5 (in the case n=1 is 0, or in the case n=0 is 0 and n=1 is the decimal point): '057', 76, 6636, 6863, 585072, 9452966, 43769438, 62307362

Golden ratio 1.61...: Not sure if this is as interesting because it's not transcendental n=1 is 6: 8, 93, 29120, 84641, '02301537', 79362074

n=1 is 1, n=2 is 6: 20, 62, 9956 (remarkably few under 100,000,000)

My day job is astrophysics