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User:Enrique Pérez Herrero/OEIS Python

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OEIS Python Module

This is my very first program in Python, so there are many funcionalities not yet implemented, and many errors not already corrected. Suggestions are welcome specially about Python programming style, and implementation.


Exporting links of a list of sequences in Wiki format

# Example for function OEIS_wiki  
[OEIS_wiki(x,"") for x in mylist]
  • The file contains:
* {{oeis|A178803}}: Write the factorial of each term in A036043(n).
* {{oeis|A129116}}: Multifactorial array A[k,n] = k-tuple factorial of n, for positive n, by antidiagonals.
* {{oeis|A166350}}: Table T(n,m) = m! read by rows.
* {{oeis|A008305}}: Triangle read by rows: a(n,k) = number of permutations of [ n ] allowing i->i+j (mod n),j=0..k-1.

This file can be copied and pasted to OEIS wiki.