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User:Chris Murray

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I am a software engineer with a strong interest in mathematics. In particular I obsess over the blindness between addition and multiplication (e.g. given factors of n, what divides n + 1?), though I also enjoy other areas of math.

I studied computer science at the University of Texas at San Antonio. My school email address, which appears not to have been deactivated yet, is "mqf073" at "my" period "utsa" period "edu".

I created a website where users may input a positive integer, and an alternate representation of the number will be displayed, based on prime factor exponents. I encourage others to explore the details by experimenting with different inputs. Unfortunately the site does not work on Apple iPhones due to its use of WebAssembly. The source code is accessible at

The following profiles are mine. Please forgive the general lack of content and activity; I have a small online presence, and the work I get paid for is hosted privately.