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User:Antti Karttunen/Speculations/On internal construction of A089840

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To determine which clause-combinations (informally defined e.g. in form a bijection of binary trees, and moreover, which combinations are minimal representations of the said bijection.

Questions and attempts at answer

The following is a set of questions approaching this topic, and some of my attempted answers or speculations about them. Some might turn out very trivial after a bit more concentration on it. Some other time I might have confused myself.

Some notes regarding A089840. Last edited Fri Sep 24 2010 by karttu.

Any single clause is always a bijection when acting on infinite
binary trees. (I.e. maps to some member of Thompson's V group.)

1) Q: When is a clause a minimal clause in Thompson's V?

   A: When it doesn't contain any V moved with the relative positions
      of it two leaves (L&R) left intact, e.g. as:

      L   R            L   R
       \./  x           \./
         \./    -->   \./

2) Q: When does a single clause form a valid, minimal presentation
      of A089840-permutation?

   A: When it is form-preserving (i.e. the source and the destination tree
      are of the same shape). (Doesn't need to be a minimal clause in
      Thompson's V. The only requirement is that the leaves-permutation
      is not an identity permutation).

3) Q: When does a multiple set of clauses form a valid bijection?
      (E.g. a member of A089840)

   A: When their ranges are disjoint. (Computed for the latter clauses
      from the domains restricted by the implications of the previous

4) Q: When is the range of a latter clause disjoint from all the
      previous clauses?

   A: When it transfers an implied nil (leaf) to a position
      where a previous clause has transferred a subtree
      (a non-leaf node), and this viz-a-vis all previous clauses.
      That is, only if, for all previous clauses, this clause
      transfers an implied nil (not necessarily the same in all cases
      but in any case, implied nil _with respect to that specific
      previous clause_)
      to some of those positions, where any previous clause
      has transferred a subtree.

      E.g. with just a binary tree rotation and the default clause:

  RL  RR     L  RL
L  \./        \./ RR                              L   ()     L   ()
 \./   -->     \./   otherwise X -> X e.g. also:   \./   -->  \./

      the latter clause does not transfer an implied nil
      to the position L, which leads to conflict in ranges.

      But this works:

  RL  RR     L  RL
L  \./        \./ RR                L   ()     ()  L
 \./   -->     \./       otherwise   \./   -->  \./    otherwise . -> .

      Here the last clause (the default-clause . -> .) has implied
      nil only at the root, because the intertwining clause (swap)
      "steals" all the larger trees from its domain.

      In general, preceding clauses steal all those trees from
      the latter clauses' domains, that match to their source trees.

5) Q: When is a latter clause unnecessary?

   A: if it is a super-tree of any previous clause,
      that is, if gcst(latter_clause,previous_clause) = previous_clause.
      In that case, the latter clause is never "activated",
      as the previous clause will match to all cases where it
      would match. This means that there would not be
      any implied nils with respect to that previous clause.
      (in other words, if it has no implied ?'s with _all_ the
      previous clauses).

      Thus, for any starting clause, its shape & size sets an upper limit
      how many successor clauses there can possibly be.
      (Not true, because for any non-trivial tree, we have an infinity
      of different trees larger than it, but not its supertrees!
      So we must iterate over the increasing total size (sum of all)
      clauses present, for example.)

      On the other hand, when the latter clause lacks a branch
      present in the previous clause, it means that the "stump"
      is implied to match some _genuine_ subtree of the tree
      located at the same position in the source clause of the
      previous clause.

      Usually, if the subtree in the previous clause is just \./
      the implied genuine subtree must then be just ().
      However, larger cases are possible as well.

      E.g. when the transferred subtree in the previous clause is

      \./ \./

      then if the latter clause has just X in that position of its
      source clause, it implies that X can be either

      \./  N   N  \./   N   N
        \./  or \./   or \./ or N (a leaf itself).

      and FURTHERMORE, that there MUST be an implied nil
      or non-existing node, either at:

      \./  N   N  \./ 
        \./  or \./   or in both positions, in all cases.

      So there can be implied nils (leaves) on any internal node
      of the previous clause's transferred subtree, but "compulsory
      implied nils" only on leaves. (As a tree matching to the
      latter clause can be just "one-leaf-short" of not matching
      to a previous clause.)

      To get each set of compulsory implied nils in one disjunction,
      collect together those 1-bits in (and P (P xor T))
      which have a common root (among those 1-bits), but themselves
      have no children. (i.e. are leaves).

      To check disjointness of ranges, _all_
      "compulsory implied non-internal-nodes"
      of a particular subtree MUST BE OVER AN EXISTING INTERNAL NODE
      in the destination tree of the previous clause.

      E.g. if the previous clause has the following subtree transformation
      in some part of its source/destination trees:

      \./ \./      \./
        \./    -->   \./
      \./          \./

      then a succeeding clause cannot have just a leaf X there, as:

         X            X
      \./      --> \./

      as that would match also


      which would lead to a range clash, unless there are implied
      nils elsewhere in the latter clause with regards to this

      There is a conjunction of disjunctions of implied nils.

      (Each disjunction is formed from internal vertices of a subtree of
      of the previous clause, which is _left out_ of the dest-tree
      of the succeeding clause.)

      Conjunction is formed from several such sets collected from
      disctinct "outlying" subtrees.

      To avoid range clash, _all_ the compulsory implied nils
      (i.e. the leaves of an outlier-subtree) of _some_ (at least one)
      "disjunction" (in the set of all "conjunctions")
      must be transferred to a place where the previous clause
      transfers an internal node.

      This condition must be true viz-a-vis all previous clauses.
      (Of course the "some disjunction" does not need be same
      in all cases.)

      The place where the implied nil leaves are transferred
      is computed from the latter clause's destination tree,
      and they are compared to the previous clause's destination

      So form first

        (bitand prev-clause-src (bitxor prev-clause-src this-clause-src))

      to get those nodes that are in prev-clause-src, but not in

      <But do we need also to check the positions where the prev-clause-src's
      implied nils (with respect to earlier clauses) are over the existing
      internal nodes of this-clause-src?>

      Then do some operation to separate
      them to a different sets, depending on whether they belong
      to same subtree or not, and get only the leaves of those
      Then we have a set (conjunction) of the sets (disjunctions)
      of compulsory implied nils.

      NOTE: the set of implied nils/nil-leaves depends on all
      the clauses before this clause, not just of that
      against which we compare this. In general, the more clauses
      there are before that clause, the smaller it is.

      Then, transform those implied nils (by latter clause's
      shape-transformation src->dst) to new locations.

      For each such transferred disjunction (a set of implied nils obtained
      from one specific subtree), check that

       (bitand transferred-implied-nil-leaves-of-one-disjuction
      ==  transferred-implied-nil-leaves-of-one-disjuction
      i.e. that all will be on the existing internal nodes of the

      If the above test does not match for _some_ of the
      disjunctions in the set of all disjunctions,
      then the clause has a range clash with the said
      previous clause.

6) Q: When can be the last (necessary, and non-default) clause
      be multiplied (with itse inverse, actually) out of the clause-sequence,
      to get a shorter clause-sequence of a different bijection?

      (Better formulated as: When does it result a shorter clause-sequence
      when the clause-sequence is multiplied with the inverse of the
      last non-default clause, if shape-preserving?)

   A: At least (to be checked!) when its source and destination trees are
      genuine subtrees of each previous clause's source and destination
      trees (respectively).

      E.g. consider the elements 253, 258 and 264 of A089840
      for which that operation _cannot_ be done.

      Also, if by such multiplication one obtains e.g. an identity
      permutation, then one knows that the whole clause-sequence
      has the same effect as the last clause alone, so it is
      not a minimal clause-sequence, and thus is to be discarded.

      (Note: one might have to do that "multiply by the inverse of last"
      operation multiple times, to reduce the clause-sequence
      to identity. Maybe there's another way.)

7) Q: Can the duplicates be pruned with internal considerations
      only? (And especially, by not comparing to the preceding
      elements of A089840?)

   A: ???
      (Maybe we can prune the duplicates having the same clauses,
      but in different order, just by testing all "lexicographically less"
      orderings of the clauses, and if any of them tests
      as a valid bijective combination, then we can discard
      this one? But is it true that the various permutations
      of the clauses would always produce the same bijection???!)

8) Q: Is it easy to develop and algorithm that composes two clause-sequences
      (elements of A089840), and gives the result, _without_
      running the "transformator" externally on binary trees.

   A: ??? Develop some clause-optimizator routine, that simplifies
      clause-sequences and prunes off unnecessary clauses.

9) Q: Can we prove that group A089840 is not finitely generated?

   A: Maybe if we can prove that there's an infinite number of
      elements like 253, 258 and 264.

      Or, provided that we have a finite set of generators,
      none having more than u clauses, that by whichever we
      multiply them together, the resulting clause-sequence,
      when reduced to simplest terms, can never have more than
      k*u clauses.

      (The number of clauses in A089840 is not bounded.)

Note that the successive powers of *A074679 offer a counter-example to the penultimate sentence, that there would not be more than k*u clauses. I think that in this case, on the contrary, the number of clauses will increase indefinitely.
